
Michelle Brady

You may recognize “dolor sit amet” as the bit that comes after “lorem ipsum” in the famous placeholder text. I like the promise of lorem ipsum text: the possibilities are endless, nothing’s final yet, but we’re well on our way! I fell in love with typography at a young age — my lorem ipsum phase — and studied graphic design in college expecting to be a print designer, maybe doing layouts or typesetting for a publication. But I fell into the world of Home Entertainment design shortly after leaving college, and from there I’ve designed websites, apps, ebooks, presentations, video games, and roughly a million DVD and Blu-ray menus. It’s not where I expected to be, but here I am, and I wouldn’t change a thing.
Born and raised in the beach town of Ventura, CA, I’m currently based in Northeast Los Angeles. I play bass in a number of imaginary bands, spin my own yarn, and draw a lot of English dudes.